Irishtown Bend Park Team logo

Oct, 13, 2021

Irishtown Bend Community Design Update

In-person and Livestreamed meeting to provide an update and brief Q&A about the Irishtown Bend Park.

Early November, 2021

Cleveland Planning Commission

Presenting to the Cleveland Planning Commision

Summer 2023 - Summer 2025

Hillside Stabilization

The Port of Cleveland will work on the hillside for an anticipated 24-36 months to stabilize it. Learn more here:

Jun, 20, 2023

Informational Community Meeting

Community meeting hosted at Urban Community sharing project updates.

September 21st, 2203

Design Review presentation

Conceptual review at the Ohio City Historic Design Review meeting, which is an advisory board to the Cleveland Landmarks Commission

October 6th, 2023

Presentation to Cleveland Planning Commission

Joint presentation to Landmarks / Cleveland Planning Commission for a conceptual review (no vote taken)

Summer/Fall 2025

Groundbreaking of ITB Park

Construction will take approximately two years.